Thursday, July 31, 2008

What do you want?

I always knew growing up when Thanksgiving was drawing near. The closer it got, the more advertisements for this that and the other would come in the mail. As a kid I would go through these advertisements over and over again. Circling and, often times, recircling all the many things I wanted from Santa that year. Just the thought of all the new toys is enough to make the naughtiest of little boys yearn to be placed on the good list, and mom's have a gift of leveraging their correspondence with Santa to whip these naughty boys into shape. As time passed, I found myself asking for fewer and fewer gifts. That didn't seem to matter as much anymore. What I've come to realize is that being able to spend quality time with my family is a far better gift than anything than can be bought at Wal-Mart (probably one of the few things left in this world that can't be bought there). I don't get to see my family very often but it's always special when I do. As my love for toys has dwindled the love for my family has grown. Every passing year I seem to love them just a little bit more than the year before. As much as I love my family, my love for them is surpassed by the love for my nieces and my nephew. They brighten my life. Nothing has ever been able to put so big a smile on my face. And then I realized what I want this Christmas... My family.

Monday, July 28, 2008


I've often been in awe of the effect that memories can have on our lives. Perhaps this is unique to myself, but I often seem to store only the good memories. Memories that uplift and encourage. It's been said that, "God gave us memories so we may have roses in the Decembers of our lives." I cannot underscore just how true that is. I remember I was watching conference. President Thomas S. Monson was giving one his articulate and uplifting talks when he quoted the above quote. I immediately rewound (thank goodness for TiVo) and jotted it down. I've always been fond of memories. All too oft I find myself remembering the good times of a not so distant past. These memories always serve to put a smile on my face. Sometimes, however, we forget some of the best of our memories. This only highlights the importance of keeping an up to date journal. Last night I was a bit down and needed something to uplift me. I began reading my old journal entries. I not only found myself laughing out loud, but also found myself with tears in my eyes. Happy tears though. It's always pleasant going back and seeing how much you've progressed. As you read journal entries from the past your more able to look at the situation with a much grander perspective, and in just about every case (at least for me) everything turned out wonderfully when I put my faith in my Heavenly Father. As simple as a lesson as that may seem, it's nonetheless important to be reminded from time to time. I've realized that some of the lowest times, times when it felt like the world was bearing it's weight on my shoulders, have often become my fondest of memories. It's times like these that have forced me to my knees, and ultimately grown me into the person I am today.

A deep thought at 3am

If I wasn't already prior to this weekend, I am now fully convinced of the fact that I will never stop learning. There is so much out there to learn. In both the seen and unseen worlds alike. And as much as there is to learn there is an exponentially greater amount of information that hasn't been tapped just yet. External lessons aside, we may spend the next 80 or so years in our mortal state and still never fully know ourselves. With every test, every challenge we not only become stronger, but better understand ourselves as well. If for no other reason, it is this fact that makes having a relationship with our Father in heaven so important. Because he does know us. He knows our weaknesses and strengths. Our highs and lows. And, ultimately, He knows the path that will lead to eternal happiness. We may at times want to do things our own way, or walk down our own path… but that's just us being stubborn. When our lives are guided by the Father there's only one direction we can go. We might face a season of unpleasantries on that path, but ultimately even those trials will lead us to happiness.