Spring break is here... and not a moment too soon! At last a break in the storm of life, and off to enjoy the calm of home. Calm? Is that how I would describe home? I suppose it would be difficult to describe anything containing 3 kids, all under the age of 9, as being anything resembling calm. So I suppose that's not how I would describe it, but one does not have to encounter the calm to find joy. My nieces and nephew are as full of energy and spunk as any kids, and yet they fill my heart and soul with unrefined joy and happiness. In a lot of ways they rejuvenate me by allowing me to see what's really important. I do wish I could see them on a more frequent basis than current circumstances permit, but the extended absences make the times I do see them all the more special. This week is not about finding the calm, rather it is about making up for lost time... lost time with those that we find closest to the heart, despite any physical distance.
The 3 Little Millers love you and miss you when you're not here--so does their GMA QTS!!!
Hi Adam. We found your blog off of Cameron and Erin's. Hope it's ok, we added you on our blog list on our blog! Glad you got to go spend time with your nieces nephew. I feel the same way! We just moved to Chicago so I don't get to see my sweet nieces and nephew nearly as much as I want to but when I do get to see them it is so much fun! And talking to them on the phone and webcam is so much fun. Sounds like you are doing well! We miss all of you guys and the especially the bike rides :-)
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