Saturday, February 14, 2009

What's New?

It has been so easy to put off my studies for... well, just about anything. My motivation is rather limited, rather fragile. I've been accepted to the East Tennessee State University School of Pharmacy. I only have to pass one of the three classes I'm taking. The others are more or less for fun. I decided I need to recommit myself to my studies, if for no other reason than to ensure I don't take any bad habits I might acquire into my doctoral program. In regards to work I feel I've been treated rather unjustly. Making a long story short, a new program came in. With the new program came new staff, most of which were just hired. So I went from a management position to the bottom of the deck within a matter of a few days. I'm still trying to remedy that situation, and am also trying to secure other avenues of income should the remedying not go according to plan. So back to the Tennessee bit. Looking at the calendar, I think I will probably end up leaving Utah on August 4th. A friend of mine got accepted into a grad school at Duke so we will probably end up driving together. We're talking about taking a few detours to visit some church historical sites. I'm very much looking forward to that. I'm getting rather excited about the Tennessee situation in general. I can get my own place for $350/mo. I've never had my own place so that will be great! I also very much look forward to not having to juggle work and school when I'm out there. I will solely be a full time student! I'm excited about the new people I'll meet and the new experiences I'll gain out there. I very much look forward to being "different" when I move out there. What I mean is.... in Utah a dime will fetch you a dozen good LDS lads. I personally think of myself as being worth at least slightly more than a dime so it'll be good to get out. On the other hand, I'll be leaving some majestic scenery! I've certainly taken the mountains for granted but I will very much miss the inspiration they provide, which is to say nothing of how much I'll miss the recreation in which they provide. More so than that, I'll miss the friends I've been able to make through my years of calling Provo home (lets not repeat the fact that I'm referring to Provo as home). Most of my friends, however, have already moved on or will be moving on soon enough. Those that will be moving on will be moving on about the same time frame as me. So, if I were to stay in Utah for any longer, there would be far less for me here than ever before.
I'm already dubbing this summer the official "Summer of Adam." It's going to be awesome! I'm going to get so much golf in, so much motorcycle riding (provided I don't have to sell it), vacations and most importantly my summer will consist of a steady diet of temple work! I have so many names of long lost ancestors to serve. I love the opportunity the church provides in serving our ancestors and provide them with an amazing gift... one in which they can longer provide for themselves. The type of unity that creates with one's ancestors is something of grandeur!
In a time of economic uncertainty, wars and rumors of wars... I'm grateful that I have the means to support myself and that I live in a country where I do not need to fear for my life, my family or my friends. How blessed are we?
Ok, one last thing. The following is an exerpt from the book I am presently reading:
"Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a Lutheran pastor, theologian and participant in the Nazi resistant movement. Bonhoeeffer wrote, 'I can no longer condemn or hate a brother for whom I pray, no matter how much trouble he causes me. His face, that hiterto may have been strange and intolerable to me, is transormed into the countenance of a brother for whom Christ died, the face of a forgiven sinner.'" I know there are times when people get under our skin. It seems almost natural to react in some malicious way, but that's not Christ's way so it should not be our way. If we look at those around us as Bonhoeffer did we will be that much closer to having Charity in our lives and ultimately, a little more Christlike. That is my goal.

1 comment:

Trish said...

Your home (Provo) is going to miss you dearly! I hope the best for you in your new adventures!