Thursday, August 7, 2008

Daily Armor

When one thinks of history's greatest battlefields the imagination is drawn to the pitched battles of Korea, Vietnam and World War II. In the three day battle of Gettysburg some 50,000 Americans lost their lives. Surely this has to be considered when discussing history's greatest battlefields, but it's not. The greatest battlefield takes place within our own minds between the forces of good and evil, everyday! An army's success is so dependent upon being well supplied. In my own experience, military planners hadn't expected us to move so swiftly towards Baghdad. We had basically outrun our supply chain and had to wait 2 days for our supplies to catch up before we could begin our northward march again. So it is too in the fight for our minds, or rather the battle for our wills. The better supplied we keep our mind the better protected in our daily battles we'll be. And just as an army would suffer the consequences of being supplied with bad rations, we too suffer the consequences of listening to profanity laced music and watching things that detract from the spirit. One of our enemy's battle plans is to corrupt the most fundamental units of society: the family. I work at a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center for youth, and in the 4 years I've worked here it's become clear to me how brutally effective the corrupting of the family structure is as a battle plan. All the more reason to guard against it. I was recently reading an article on Fox news. It was more or less an audit of the major television networks and the shows they broadcast. I don't recall the exact figures but for every mention of marriage there were three mentions of the joys of promiscuity. Pornography is another way to corrupt the family. I had always known that it was a bad thing, but it wasn't until just recently that I saw just how destructive it can be. It breaks up families. I had always heard that it had, but it's different when it's happened to someone that you care about. It hits on a whole new level. Again, the greatest battles take place everyday within our own minds. Every morning we wake up Satan is ready to throw everything he has at you. If your not equally prepared, chances are you'll lose. And in this battlefield, if you lose you give up a lot more than a piece of land.


JayGab said...

What a wonderful way to put it in perspective. My mom and I once had a conversation about whether or not scriptures should be read in the morning or night and I explained my feelings that scriptures are our defense/sword in the "whole armor of God" and what soldier did we know that would go into battle without a weapon or way to defend themselves. When we are able to step back and look at our day in this way, realizing that each day truely is a battle of good and evil, it can help us to realize the importance of the sciptures and the overwhelmning strength and defense they bring to us. Thanks for your thoughts :) and letting me add mine.

Anonymous said...

Pornography is a blatant evil that the world takes lightly. It's scary having to raise children in such a world. Knowing that they will be exposed to it at some point in their lives, but hoping and praying that you've taught them to be strong enough to withstand it. It's a scary time to be raising children.